In an Emergency
Call 111 when:
• Someone is badly injured or in danger
• There is a serious risk to life or property
• A crime is being committed and the offenders are still there or have just left
To report a historic incident (eg. Overnight break-in or something that happened a few days ago) call Auckland Central Police on 1050 and ask for the Crime Reporting Line.
In case of a cardiac arrest, the nearest automated external defibrillators are located at:
Remuera Library
429 Remuera Road
Monday - Friday 9am - 6pm; Saturday 9am - 4pm; Sunday 12pm - 4pm
Ph: 09 520 2532
ASB Bank
360 Remuera Road
Monday - Friday 9am - 4.30pm
Ph: 09 306 3030
Remuera Doctors
320 Remuera Road
Monday - Friday 8am - 6pm
Ph: 09 524 6504
Remuera Fire Station
291 Remuera Road
Phone: 09 520 0252
Remuera New World
3-5 Clonbern Road
Phone: 09 520 3559
Text Alert
The Remuera Business Association operates a Text Alert system to let businesses know quickly of any suspicious or criminal activity in the Remuera town centre. RBA members can supply two mobile phone numbers to receive Text Alerts. If a business notices suspicious activity (eg. attempted or actual shoplifting) they should contact the RBA quickly by phone or email with a brief description of the incident and people involved. The RBA will then send a short Text Alert so all businesses are aware.
To sign up for Text Alert phone the RBA office on 027 413 3819 or email: